Seller ResourcesBelow you will find contact information for various businesses in and around Town that you may find helpful in selling your property. Please note that this is only a list of resources, and I do not endorse any one company over another. If you are not on my list of resources and would like to be added, please contact me.
Moving CompaniesUnited Van Lines Closest branch located in Jasper, AB Advantage Relocation Systems (United) Jasper Phone: 780-852-4660 Toll-free: 1-800-668-5544 Email: Parkland Moving & Mini Storage 7 Legand Trail Stony Plain, AB T7Z 0B1 Phone: 780-962-9544 Toll-free: 1-866-962-9544 Packham Moving & Storage Box 1325 Whitecourt, AB T7S 1P2 Phone: 780-779-4958 Fax: 780-779-4961 Hinton LawyersDennis Gibb Law Office 118 Sherwood Street Phone: 780-865-1070 Fax: 780-865-1022 Johnson McClelland Murdoch
213 Pembina Avenue Phone: 780-865-2222 Fax: 780-865-8857 West Yellowhead Law Office (Dianne Dubetz) #5, 201 Pembina Avenue Phone: 780-865-1147 Fax: 780-865-5904 Woods & Robson 110 Brewster Drive Phone: 780-865-3086 Fax: 780-865-7149 Cleaning CompaniesCustom Carpet Care Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 780-865-7120
Marjie’s Carpets & Upholstery Cleaning 780-865-4966
Nicks Janitorial 780-865-2811
Palcer Enterprises Ltd. 780-865-3601
Terri's Cleaning Services
Scrub& Shine - Dana-Lynne
Natural Gas
Direct Energy Regulated Services PO Box 2427 Edmonton AB, T5J 2V6 Residential Service Phone: 1-866-420-3174 Business Service Phone: 1-866-374-6355 Yellowhead Gas Co-op - Outside Hinton
PO Box 7230 Stn Main
Edson AB, T7E 1V5 Phone: 780-723-4214
Phone : 780-723-6085
EPCOR P.O. Box 500 Phone: 310-4300 Toll-Free: 1-800-667-2345
TELUS Toll-free: 310-2255 or 1-800-361-3311
TELUS mobility *611 from cell TELUS Mobility Client Care Canada toll-free: 1-866-558-2273
ROGERS Wireless Toll-free: 1-888-764-3771
Shaw Cable 1-800-465-6905 or 1-800-667-2345 Residential Internet Sales & Customer Care: 1-800-400-9605 Business Technical Support: 1-877-734-0705
CANADA POST 104 Park Street
Hinon, AB T7V 2B1
Phone: 780-865-2128
Town / County
Town of Hinton 2nd Floor, 131 Civic Centre Road Phone: 780-865-6000
Toll-Free: 1-780-865-6000 Fax: 780-865-5706
Water & Sewer: Direct line: 1-780-865-6014 http://
Garbage Collection:
Yellowhead County 2716 - 1 Avenue Edson, AB. T7E 1N9
Phone: 780-723-4800 Toll Free: 1-800-665-6030
Fax: 780-723-5066 Email: |